Making those New Year Resolutions Attainable

3 01 2011

I’m one of those people who hates making New Year Resolutions. I can see why so many people like to make new goals for themselves at the beginning of the year, because it means it’s a chance for them to start fresh. It’s a time to say “im going to be different this year, and this is how…” Its a great way to try to change, but so many people are left feeling bad about themselves or giving up on their new changes by the time the month is over. Here is a few tips that I’d like to share that have worked for me in school, at work, or anything that requires a little planning.


Make a plan to lose those 10 lbs that you have packed on over break. Don’t tell yourself you are going to lose weight, because it will be December 30th of next year and you’ve yet to work on that whole weight loss. Instead, make a plan on how you are going to achieve your goals! If you want to save money for that summer vacation, make a plan on how much you need for the trip, and what expenses you can cut back on.

Set attainable goals:

Some people might tell you to AIM HIGH, others might tell you to EXPECT NOTHING so you aren’t disappointed when nothing happens. I say, set manageable goals! If you want to have an overall weight loss of 30 pounds throughout the year, set attainable goals throughout the calendar year to help you reach that. Say 15 pounds in 6 months or 2.5 pounds every month and another 15 pounds the other half. 2.5 pounds/month sounds a lot more attainable than 30 pounds by the end of the year. This theory works with anything, just not weight loss. Sit down one night with a glass of your favorite beverage and just plan everything out. Some people like to plan really far ahead and if you are planning for a vacation or savings, that is necessary. But something like weight loss, or making more time for family, this can be attained by just sitting down one night a week and plan the rest of your day, week, or month


Reward Yourself:

If you are planning for a vacation, the reward is obviously when you leave. But maybe throw a small party for yourself inviting your friends over for some cocktails. If you are setting up an account to save some money, or to spend less, splurge a little and buy yourself something you’ve been eying for a while. And finally if you have attained your weight loss goal, take yourself and some friends or loved ones out for a dinner. Remember the weight you have put off so don’t stuff yourself. The point here is to not burn yourself out trying to obtain your goals. Take some time to indulge, and enjoy the finer things.

Those are just a few tips I have to offer. Good luck this year and let this be the year you FINALLY stick to your New Year Resolution



2009: Year for Change

1 01 2009
2008 was dubbed a difficult and historic year for the United States,
but it was also a difficult year for myself. But 2009 is the year for
change. A change in myself, and hopefully a change in the world we live
in. I’m not an Obama fanatic but I think its quite obvious that our
nation needs change more than it needs anything else at this moment.
With the stock market in decline and job losses at an all time high, I
think everyone can do for a little change, myself included. Though Im
not a big fan of making New Year’s Resolutions, here are a few for
those who need some ideas.

1.) Love a little more, hate a
little less. The Beatles once said "all we need is love", and this
statement could not be more true. Help out a neighbor, friend, or a
complete stranger. Be there for someone when they are in need, donate
clothing or items to the needy. Love yourself, your family, and your
2.) Change up your life. Even if you think it is going
perfectly smooth there is always something that needs to be worked on
whether its with you, your loved ones or your household.
3.) Break
an addiction. As hard as those are to break, make it a resolution to
give it an effort. This will bring change to your life and others
around you.
4.) Weight gain or loss. For those that are lucky enough
to be able to put on a few pounds, snack on a Twinkie or something!
This seems to be the most popular one for a lot of people who want to
change the way they eat, they exercise, and function in their daily
life. Grab the Wii Fit instead of that Xbox 360 controller. Go for a
walk, bicycle ride or just play with your kids outside.

I’ll leave you with the lyrics from 2Pacs song "Changes". Happy New Year Everyone!

We gotta make a change…
It’s time for us as a people to start makin’ some changes.
Let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live
and let’s change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn’t working so it’s on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.

Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy 2009,
  Brad Young

The bags under my eyes are sexy

28 12 2008
It’s twenty after seven in the morning here in Ohio on a Sunday. Why am I up so early? My beagle, Sassy decided that she wasnt coming out underneath the bed last night so I let her sleep down there. She decided it would be best for me to get up at 6:45 A.M to her loud howling. So I get up, and think to myself "she doesnt need to go out, so maybe she wants in her cage?" She didnt want that, but that is what she got. Waking me up at 6:45 after I just hit the sack at about 10 till 3. So now Im not really tired, Im sort of hungry and Im curious as to how my day is going to fold out. It will probably end up with me watching football and playing video games all day again while I wait for a phone call from a friend or two. Maybe my brother, who is in state for just a couple more days before he heads home to Colorado will give me a call to catch up over some lunch or dinner.

The only games I’ve really been playing are GoW2 and NCAA 08. I’ve been playing a lot of horde actually and was able to get to about the 11th or 12th stage with a group of guys I didnt know. Not bad, concidering I havent used the mic yet to communicate. Im running through campus legend mode again in NCAA 08, this time as a QB and am really struggling to actually pass the ball. I have it set on Heisman difficulty but I think the computer is already pre-programmed to always win and for me to somehow blow the lead late in the game. I think it would be best if I quit playing it for a bit and popped in a new game and started playing that. I need to finish getting the achievements (again) on COD4 which got lost when I finally hooked back up to XBL. It’s weird how that worked out, because I didn’t lose any of my achievements in Mass Effect, but did loose some in Bioshock. So I might just be forced to play 2 really outstanding games…oh darn. Alright well I think this is long enough. I’m gonna go raid the fridge for some food and turn on Sportscenter to get my day started. Im waiting for my mom to get up too so I can get some coffee in me, I have no idea how to work that thing.


Is this…yes it is, AN UPDATE!

27 12 2008
For the first time in over 5 months I am actually updating this place I call a blog. It once used to be your place for the latest game reviews from a true gamer, but now it’s got about 12 inches of dust on it and a lot of old memories when I used to have fun playing video games all freaking day. So, what in the world have I been up too? Well, college….a break up….a fraternity….getting grades up….and some video games here or there.

College, its awesome. I love it. I love the dorms, hangin out all the time, doing whatever I want and uhh…partying of course. Beginning of the semester my girlfriend at the time and I decided to end our relationship, which took a huge effect on me and pretty much everything I did. That’s all history and mushy and this isn’t the place to discuss it. Bottom line, I’m the same guy, just went through more shit that made me realize A LOT of stuff and mature rather quickly. I also joined a fraternity (Lambda Chi Alpha) met a lot of new people, new friends, new lady friends and have been officially initiated. Gotta have love for my brothers! After going through the break up and nearly quitting on school all together I finally pulled my head out of my ass and got my grades up. Finished this semester with a 2.8 which isnt too shabby concidering I was aiming at like 2.4 at midterm.

As for video games…well lets just say I havent gotten a new game since LAST Christmas. Yeah, Mass Effect is my newest game. How sad huh? I just borrow my friends games, so if you see me playin Gears of War 2 or Guitrar Hero III or some crazy crap like that…it aint mine! Im currently staying back in Ohio until January 11th then I’ll be back at Ball State where the chaos will ensue. Im stoked to get back, but at the same time Im stoked to be here seeing all my old friends and hangin out. Thats about all I got for you right now. See you all around!


Back in the saddle

17 08 2008
That is right my friends. The ONE and ONLY BD is back in the saddle and ready to rock on XBL. Some of you may have noticed me on XBL over the past couple days, and I know you are all just dying to know whether it is true. I am here to confirm it. Actually, I was at a friends house and was able to hook up XBL and get my 1 month free trial going. I’ll be moving into my dorm on the 20th and will be there for awhile. I’ll look for you online in either Halo 3 or COD4. I missed a lot and have been lacking in the gaming news. As for this blog, it is still receiving upwards to 200 hits a day so its going strong. 🙂 Im a college kid now so we’ll see how much time I have to leave some entries. See you guys online!


It keeps going, and going and going…

25 04 2008
The hiatus continues. Oh, how i miss my days of Xbox Live. Just recently I finally sent my 360 in for repairs to see if they would fix it for free. Im not covered under warranty but maybe, just maybe out of the goodness of their own hearts, the folks at Microsoft will fix it for free. My hopes are not up for that one. I’ve missed a lot of playing and really miss playing some H3 online and COD4. Just when i was starting to get really good at it, I cant play it anymore. Other than that, I havent been up to much. I hope you all are enjoying your time on XBL and with your 360. Hopefully i’ll see you soon!

On This Date in 2005

22 11 2007

I was the 2nd person in line at a local Circuit City waiting for my Xbox 360. It was a night very much like this one. Cold and sprinkles of water, typical for Indiana. I just actually realized that it has been 2 years since I got my beloved 360, and haven’t had a problem with it yet. So, since it is Thanksgiving, that is what I am thankful for. Hopefully everyone had a safe and great Thanksgiving. Enjoy the family, friends, and if you have time, gaming.


teh update

2 11 2007
I’m trying to figure out why I never update anymore. I remember the good ol’ days of blogging every other day and then it went to once or twice a week, now its down to monthly. It’s kind of sad in a way, but over the near 2 years that i’ve had this it’s been a joy to have around. Page views are minimal, but thats not what im all about. I’d love to get back into writing about games and my view on them, but the truth is that gaming blogs are everywhere. It’s hard to stand out from all of them. No, this isnt a goodbye, but rather a…..crap, i dont really know what it is. Just a remembrance of how it used to be.

Well i’ve been on a mission lately in Guitar Hero II. I see everyone playing the third installment and I have to try and fit in, so i play Guitar Hero II instead. Im trying to get 5 stars on all songs on medium. I’ve gotten through all of them except the bottom half which i know are the tougher songs. I usually flip flop between Halo 3 multiplayer and Madden 08. Though Madden has taken a bit of a rest, mainly because im irritated beyond belief with that game. So many mistakes and A.I. errors cost me the game almost every time. You can only go so long playing Halo 3 until its just old, and you need something new. If i see some friends on that play matchmaking then i’ll get on and play, but when im by myself, i like to stick to GHII or Madden.

It’s Halo 3

14 09 2007

The countdown is currently under two weeks. The world is in a frenzy. Gamers everywhere are fasting themselves on Game Fuel and Doritos. Master Chief, He stares me in the eye as I take a swig from my 20 OZ bottle. He’s coming back for one more go around and Microsoft wants the whole world to know.

Halo 3. In Italy they say Guidacarta 3. In Japan It’s, ハロー3. No matter where you are, no matter what country your from. It’s Halo 3. This isn’t going to be your typical all meat and no potatoes type of game. A well rounded arsenal of single player, 4 player co-op, LAN, AND Xbox Live Multiplayer. Taking a page out of Halo 1’s book and creating a seemingly flawless campaign and multiple pages out of Halo 2’s book and introducing the mind blowing multiplayer. Fact is, after I played Halo 2 online, everything else seemed wrong.

Just exactly how much is riding on the line for Bungie and Microsoft? The most anticipated game of all time is a mere week and some change away, and the gaming community is growing with excitement each passing day. Even fans of other consoles are interested to see how this game will play out. If it receives anything less than 9/10 I might just be disappointed.

As I close this entry, I want to leave you with the 3 words that flashed across the screen of the E3 trailer I saw a year ago. Three words that will be uttered until the task is complete.

Finish the Fight.



Review: Bioshock

24 08 2007

What is there to say about a game that has already been dubbed "Game of the Year"? A game that has been anticipated since its very announcement. Sure, there is Halo 3 and Mass Effect, but what about Bioshock? How does 2K’s next blockbuster title stack up to the current games? It deserves the title of "Game of the Year" for now, but we’ll wait till 07 is in the books to decide that one. Until then, here’s a little review that only scratches the surface of this underwater sci-fi adventure.

Starting out in the game you’ll take into account the visuals. Stunning, mouth watering, amazing. Water droplets that actually look like they are on your screen. Fire that almost feels like its burning you. Life like visuals that you have never seen before will keep you coming back for more. Every time you pop this game in, you’ll see something that looks so real you’ll question yourself if its right in front of you or if its just in the game. The movements of the characters, the way they hold their weapons or attack you with them really fits each character well.


Since BS (that’s short for Bioshock..don’t get the wrong idea), is lacking in the multiplayer department, which I think is a huge gamble for 2K, they really needed to introduce a great plot and storyline. You start out swimming in the Atlantic ocean after the plane crashes and there just happens to be a lighthouse out there. How ironic? Well, it adds to the story really. You don’t know who you are, you don’t know what your doing on the plane in the first place, and as soon as you step foot into that lighthouse its the last time you’ll see the moonlight again for a very long time. It’s almost as if your playing out a movie. You have a lot of questions running through your head, but at the same time your saying "this is so freaking cool". Which gets you hooked, instantly. I found myself wanting to uncover all the answers and towards the end of the game, I was just shocked at what was happening without me ever realizing it. It’s a deep story, filled with mysterious characters, splicer’s that are annoying as hell, and lets not forget to the mention the Big Daddy. And no, I’m not talking about the Adam Sandler movie.

It’s actually weird doing a review about a game without a multiplayer. I just sort of assumed that MP is in every game now, and that option is always available. The thing with Bioshock is that after you beat it, you want to go back and see what you missed since you have the knowledge after completing the story. It was said that no two people will play the game the same way, and that is what will keep it being played over and over again. No multiplayer, no problem. It’s such an immerseve game that was actually really hard to put down, it was almost calling me to come back and play again.

Continuing on about the visuals, that I didn’t note before, you may notice some of the more gruesome scenes in the game. For instance, walking through Rapture’s morgue with bodies riddled over the floor, people with scissors stuck into their foreheads. A saw, laying on the floor dripping with blood. It makes you say "gross" and "that’s pretty freaking awesome!" At the same time. Achievement enthusiasts will go back just to beat the game and get the achievements, but real gamers, who enjoy that wonderful type of gameplay mixed in with a unique storyline will take their time to uncover the secrets of Andrew Ryan’s prized city, Rapture.



+++ Remarkable game

++ Visuals are amazing. Details are great, and each scene is noteworthy.

+ Plays like a survival game mixed in with a "Hardy Boys" book. Mysteries around each corner, and betrayals!


—Could they have had something great with online play? Maybe even co-op?

–Minor hiccups in the frame rate at times.

-Hacking safes is not the easiest thing to do. Where is Sam Fisher when you need him?

Overall Score


