Is this…yes it is, AN UPDATE!

27 12 2008
For the first time in over 5 months I am actually updating this place I call a blog. It once used to be your place for the latest game reviews from a true gamer, but now it’s got about 12 inches of dust on it and a lot of old memories when I used to have fun playing video games all freaking day. So, what in the world have I been up too? Well, college….a break up….a fraternity….getting grades up….and some video games here or there.

College, its awesome. I love it. I love the dorms, hangin out all the time, doing whatever I want and uhh…partying of course. Beginning of the semester my girlfriend at the time and I decided to end our relationship, which took a huge effect on me and pretty much everything I did. That’s all history and mushy and this isn’t the place to discuss it. Bottom line, I’m the same guy, just went through more shit that made me realize A LOT of stuff and mature rather quickly. I also joined a fraternity (Lambda Chi Alpha) met a lot of new people, new friends, new lady friends and have been officially initiated. Gotta have love for my brothers! After going through the break up and nearly quitting on school all together I finally pulled my head out of my ass and got my grades up. Finished this semester with a 2.8 which isnt too shabby concidering I was aiming at like 2.4 at midterm.

As for video games…well lets just say I havent gotten a new game since LAST Christmas. Yeah, Mass Effect is my newest game. How sad huh? I just borrow my friends games, so if you see me playin Gears of War 2 or Guitrar Hero III or some crazy crap like that…it aint mine! Im currently staying back in Ohio until January 11th then I’ll be back at Ball State where the chaos will ensue. Im stoked to get back, but at the same time Im stoked to be here seeing all my old friends and hangin out. Thats about all I got for you right now. See you all around!




One response

28 12 2008

Yeah man, you\’re one of the main reasons I\’m finally getting everything moving for my college education. Dunno… you did a lot to glamorize it over the past few months and really got me excited to go…

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