The bags under my eyes are sexy

28 12 2008
It’s twenty after seven in the morning here in Ohio on a Sunday. Why am I up so early? My beagle, Sassy decided that she wasnt coming out underneath the bed last night so I let her sleep down there. She decided it would be best for me to get up at 6:45 A.M to her loud howling. So I get up, and think to myself "she doesnt need to go out, so maybe she wants in her cage?" She didnt want that, but that is what she got. Waking me up at 6:45 after I just hit the sack at about 10 till 3. So now Im not really tired, Im sort of hungry and Im curious as to how my day is going to fold out. It will probably end up with me watching football and playing video games all day again while I wait for a phone call from a friend or two. Maybe my brother, who is in state for just a couple more days before he heads home to Colorado will give me a call to catch up over some lunch or dinner.

The only games I’ve really been playing are GoW2 and NCAA 08. I’ve been playing a lot of horde actually and was able to get to about the 11th or 12th stage with a group of guys I didnt know. Not bad, concidering I havent used the mic yet to communicate. Im running through campus legend mode again in NCAA 08, this time as a QB and am really struggling to actually pass the ball. I have it set on Heisman difficulty but I think the computer is already pre-programmed to always win and for me to somehow blow the lead late in the game. I think it would be best if I quit playing it for a bit and popped in a new game and started playing that. I need to finish getting the achievements (again) on COD4 which got lost when I finally hooked back up to XBL. It’s weird how that worked out, because I didn’t lose any of my achievements in Mass Effect, but did loose some in Bioshock. So I might just be forced to play 2 really outstanding games…oh darn. Alright well I think this is long enough. I’m gonna go raid the fridge for some food and turn on Sportscenter to get my day started. Im waiting for my mom to get up too so I can get some coffee in me, I have no idea how to work that thing.




One response

30 12 2008

BD theres always room for you in our games bro. Hop in anytime !

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