Making those New Year Resolutions Attainable

3 01 2011

I’m one of those people who hates making New Year Resolutions. I can see why so many people like to make new goals for themselves at the beginning of the year, because it means it’s a chance for them to start fresh. It’s a time to say “im going to be different this year, and this is how…” Its a great way to try to change, but so many people are left feeling bad about themselves or giving up on their new changes by the time the month is over. Here is a few tips that I’d like to share that have worked for me in school, at work, or anything that requires a little planning.


Make a plan to lose those 10 lbs that you have packed on over break. Don’t tell yourself you are going to lose weight, because it will be December 30th of next year and you’ve yet to work on that whole weight loss. Instead, make a plan on how you are going to achieve your goals! If you want to save money for that summer vacation, make a plan on how much you need for the trip, and what expenses you can cut back on.

Set attainable goals:

Some people might tell you to AIM HIGH, others might tell you to EXPECT NOTHING so you aren’t disappointed when nothing happens. I say, set manageable goals! If you want to have an overall weight loss of 30 pounds throughout the year, set attainable goals throughout the calendar year to help you reach that. Say 15 pounds in 6 months or 2.5 pounds every month and another 15 pounds the other half. 2.5 pounds/month sounds a lot more attainable than 30 pounds by the end of the year. This theory works with anything, just not weight loss. Sit down one night with a glass of your favorite beverage and just plan everything out. Some people like to plan really far ahead and if you are planning for a vacation or savings, that is necessary. But something like weight loss, or making more time for family, this can be attained by just sitting down one night a week and plan the rest of your day, week, or month


Reward Yourself:

If you are planning for a vacation, the reward is obviously when you leave. But maybe throw a small party for yourself inviting your friends over for some cocktails. If you are setting up an account to save some money, or to spend less, splurge a little and buy yourself something you’ve been eying for a while. And finally if you have attained your weight loss goal, take yourself and some friends or loved ones out for a dinner. Remember the weight you have put off so don’t stuff yourself. The point here is to not burn yourself out trying to obtain your goals. Take some time to indulge, and enjoy the finer things.

Those are just a few tips I have to offer. Good luck this year and let this be the year you FINALLY stick to your New Year Resolution





One response

10 01 2011

i think that is a great way to stick to your new years resolutions.. i have also come to hate them because i never ever stick to them. this year i went with a little more of an abstract idea concentrating on having a good attitude being positive stuff like that… not quite sure how to plan for this but maybe makinga plan for when i start to fail at these…idk…any way thanks for the ideas!

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