Gamers Behind the Spaces Revisited: SUPERGHOST

20 01 2008


In case you need reminding of who SUPERGHOST is, you can find his previous interview here. I catch up with the man they call SUPERGHOST and talk games.

Remind the viewers where you acquired the infamous "SUPERGHOST" gamer tag.

"SUPERGHOST" goes back to my Dreamcast days. Every time I tried to pick a cool login name it was taken.So, in a moment of inspiration ‘SUPERGHOST’ popped into my head. I like ghosts, and I am super! Been my handle for nearly 8 years!

There have been some great games on the Xbox 360 so far. Which one would you say is the most over hyped and why?

I would say Guitar Hero III, clearly it has been a huge financial and critical success but, to me it is being overshadowed in nearly every way by Rockband. I think both can co-exist, but the bar has clearly been raised! Also, GHIII is being overexposed,did we really need 2 GH’s last year? And where is the DLC? Oh its on Rock Band!

Are you still gaming on your 30” Samsung HDTV Wide screen?

Yes I am. I have tweaked the settings to the point where I am still quite satisfied with the picture, but I would be lying if I did not want to upgrade to a 1080p LCD monitor in the 37 to 42 inch range. But money is always an issue.  I did upgrade my sound to the Pioneer 5.1 system licensed exclusively for the Xbox 360! It is pretty cool!



You’ve played quite a few games. What would you say gave you the most challenge to complete?

Each game has its moments, but I will go back to my classic Xbox and talk about Panzer Dragoon Orta. When I finally beat that game on the normal skill level, I got up and did a dance!  True story.

Last time we did an interview, you said Halo 2 was your all time favorite game. Does this still hold true?

I would say no, so many great games and gaming experiences have happened since then. Gears of War, Assassin’s Creed, Halo 3, Portal, Oblivion, Call of Duty 2 and 4, Bioshock, The Darkness. I could go on and on, but picking just one, I don’t think I could.  Just like trying to pick a game of the year in 2007.  Not so easy. I would add one thing, so much is being made of PS3’s Little Big Planet, but we already have Forge on Halo 3. Think about that one!

BD: "You tell ’em Ghost!

Are you a supporter of making Xbox Live free or do you believe its worth every penny? Much has been said about Sony PS3’s "Home" feature and how it’s supposed to rival Xbox Live, and it will also be free of charge.

Good question. On one hand free is good, on the other I do not mind paying for a service that is offering a great experience. Should PS3’s service rival or surpass Live as it is today, MS had better have an excellent counter. Wether it be servers or some other top secret project. I believe competition in this case can only be a good thing for both services, and in the end, the users like ourselves.

We are 3 years into this generation of gaming. It wont be long until we start discussing the next generation consoles. What would you like to see in Microsoft’s next Xbox?

Well, I hope I don’t have to see anything for at least 4 more years. But, what  I would like to see is Microsoft continuing with their overall connectivity mantra. I want user-created content to be available from day one, not just a good promise for the future. Also I would like to see the 360 community to continue to evolve and grow the service and truly make it our own! (and Halo 4).

What do you like to do besides gaming?

Well I have two young children so I like to spend time with them and my wife. I enjoy walking, and reading, and the occasional ‘social call’ with my friends. Gaming is pretty big deal for me though, I have been maintaining my Xbox blog for nearly 3 years now, before that it was, now I am dabbling with twitter and a space at  I also take insurance courses and have been working my way towards my designation in that industry.


Many thanks goes to SUPERGHOST for taking the time to answer these questions. As mentioned above you can find his Windows Live Space here, his Twitter here, and in case that isn’t enough and you want to be an uber stalker, visit him on





3 responses

20 01 2008

Thanks BD! the interview was a lot of fun, I always enjoy a reason to talk video games!

20 01 2008

You said dabble

22 01 2008

Great interview as always. I can\’t believe how fast time flies! Hope you guys are doing well.

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