Review: Crackdown

24 02 2007

Crackdown is a game that really anyone can enjoy. If your a gamer that has a lot of free time, I suggest just renting this game for a weekend and having a go at it. But if you tend to really get your money’s worth out of your games, go ahead and pick this one up. I’m sure many of you looked at Crackdown as a bonus gift with the Halo 3 beta. I’m not going to lie either, i was sorta pumped that i could shell out 60 bucks to get a beta and a decent game.

Now its the other way around. I got a great game, and what im assuming to be a great beta. But, im not going to dive into beta details just yet. We’re going to take a look at what Crackdown brings to the table. Ask some questions, provide some answers, and heck, we may even see a review in there.

First topic to debate, is this a GTA rip off? I call this a debate, because many people think a game where you can high-jack cars, shoot innocent civilians, ramp cars off of ramps and all that fun stuff is either a GTA game or a rip-off. You can do all 3 of those things in both games, but Crackdown is a lot more different than any other game. First off, your a super-cop. Yes, a freaking super cop. GTA games, your against the law, Crackdown you hold down the law.

Secondly, the ability to level up your characters attributes is rather addicting. I found myself spending 30-40 minutes hopping from roof to roof looking for those little green orbs. Checking each time to see just how much farther that little bar in the top left hand corner of my screen moved. It also gave me a reason to blow stuff up, and blowing stuff up is always fun. Don’t get me wrong, i blew stuff up in other games but i never gained anything out of it. The joy and happiness of bodies flying 40 feet in the air was always enjoyable, but i also get these much smaller orbs flying at me every time i do something good. It’s like getting rewarded a cookie..


What is one thing that the GTA series is missing? It’s got guns, cars, drugs, and hookers. But there always seemed to be something lacking. Graphics are usually below par, but the gameplay made up for that. If your still scratching your head as to what it is, let me give you 3 letters. X.B.L. (Xbox Live for the slow people). Co-op online with a buddy in Crackdown is actually pretty fun. I didn’t get to spend much time in it, but its rather cool how you can help out your friend when he or she is need with a gang member or a boss. Or the ability to go anywhere do anything without any restrictions while still in co-op also will get a thumbs up. For not being much into online gameplay, that sure did impress me.

Graphics are something you just have to adjust too. When i saw the gameplay videos and trailers for this game, i found them rather repulsive and thought this game belonged on an Xbox and not a 360. It was like looking at your girlfriend’s sister or something and realizing just how unattractive she is. You kinda wonder if she was adopted, then convince yourself that your going to have to deal with it while your with her. Crackdown’s graphics are pretty much like that. You start to think this game belongs on an Xbox, but once you start playing and shooting people in their noggins you just adjust to it and it doesn’t really matter. I like that.

My "wtf" question is, why-the-fudge are there no motorcycles?? Everyone loves to get on those. I would like to see a motorcycle leveled up like they do with the agency vehicles into a massive chopper type bike kinda like Ghost Riders. Hells to the yeah! Give me a motorcycle and I’ll finally have a reason to do the time trials. Vehicles aren’t really that important in the game. I use the standard method of jumping from building to building looking for those agility orbs until i get to my destination.

Crackdown delivers in a "this game is fun until i beat it" sort of way. Doesn’t really make me WANT to go back and do more things. Even though i still have achievements to get, people to kill, building to climb, orbs to collect, time trial races to race in, and even throw some hookers off a bridge, (Haloaded knows what im talking about). It may sit on the shelf for a bit waiting for the H3 beta, it might be my next addiction. So, that’s the lowdown on Crackdown….ready for a break down you silly clown? I’m a rhyming machine…


+++ Fun, addictive, do what you want gameplay

++ Attribute system is designed well

+ 2 player co-op could be a hit


— Short game, ending hinting at something?

— Not as much to do as the game presents

– graphically boring.

Overall Score





5 responses

25 02 2007

I\’m all about any game with co-op capabilities.  lol  Glad you enjoyed it while it lasted!

26 02 2007
Eugene L

I agree with everything in your review, except for the "graphically boring" comment in the cons section. I believe Crackdown has done a much better job at presenting itself than other open-world series, simply because going cell-shaded did not take away from the experience. I hate games that try too hard to look realistic, but fail.
Anyways, I just got back from the first day at the newspaper. I am already on one of the journalists\’ contact list for his gaming column :). I only wrote one article today – a brief in the blotter section – but the criminal journalist that I was working with is already thinking of assigning me a full article later this week. Also, when my newspaper upgrades from their 8-year-old software-run website to a newer website, they will have full support for blogs and podcasts. While the local blogs may be very limited, there is a large chance that I might be working on a gaming blog with a staff writer.
Either way, I am very glad to have something published in the paper on my first day on the job. I will try to write up a blog entry later – once my hands aren\’t as numb – and my 2-year anniversary is coming up later this week.
Good to see you blogging, dude,
Blog on!
 – Haloaded

1 03 2007

I am having a blast with crackdown. I think I have a few more bosses to get to complete the game. I know it is pretty short, but looking for all the orbs is going to take some time.

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